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Down syndrome: Your role as a parent

To my daughters:

I wouldn’t change you for the world, but I would change the world for you. You are first and foremost, daughters of the King. Next, you are my perfect loves, my babies, and will be for as long as I breathe. After these, somewhere on the list amongst your other unique personality traits, you have Down syndrome. I don’t say it in a whisper. We will cherish EVERY part of who you are. As your mom, my role is unchanged; I will love you and lead you to Christ with all my efforts. Concerning your extra chromosome, my parenting strategy remains unaltered; we embrace and celebrate every milestone. Trisomy 21 is an open door to a new and lovely community. Your are perfect and I am proud of who you are. If the world tells you anything different, it’s because of fear. People are intimidated by what is foreign to them.

To the world:

There is ground to be made in the area of parenting a child with DS. The more articles and memoirs I read, the more inclined I am to speak up on the behalf of my children. To fellow or upcoming parents of any child with special needs: do not be scared of judgments or receiving pity. Rid yourselves of self-absorption, pride, and insecurities that will lead you to the emotion of shame. It will strip you of joy. Our children are not a means to gain status or acceptance and shouldn’t be mislabeled by anyone else’s ignorance or emotions. Your children, my children, are beyond worthy of us to #shouttheirworth. Be still and let time prove that we, the parents, are in truth #theluckyfew .